Tuesday, February 12, 2013

I'm Still Here!

How on earth does so much time slip away between blog posts? I swear, every day I think, "I need to do a blog post." But, truthfully, I just can't motivate myself to write yet another post without a photo. And, if I'm really honest, I'm entirely too lazy to find my card reader so that I can upload the 500+ images on my card. Don't worry, I keep my cards in our firesafe. {On a side note: I would almost feel sorry for the burglar who incorrectly assumes he's hit the jackpot with our safe. All that work to carry it out and he'll get JC's first curls, letters I've written to JC & Myra, some photos and obituaries, and about 15 CF & SD cards. Oh, and my grandaddy's pocket knife and a slingshot that he made for JC just weeks before he passed away. That's it. Pretty boring, huh? Meaningless stuff to a looter, but priceless to us!}

Anyway, I am here. I promise.

There are so many things I want to update on here before I forget them. 

For example, yesterday was Myra's 9 month check-up. She's in the upper 90th percentile for everything except height, which was 89th. The wiggle worm was moving so much that it took three tries to get her measured. I'm still not sure we got the right results. She measured 28 inches and was 22 pounds 2.2 oz. She's in size 12 month clothes. She's standing up all the time and on the verge of walking. We just knew that she would begin to walk on JC's birthday, but she hasn't yet.

She's still not sleeping worth anything; she sleeps in bed with me most nights, and Patrick usually sleeps with JC.

We have yet to finish our floors.

I'm getting overwhelmed with the to-do list! It keeps growing, and very little, if anything, is getting checked off of it. There is so much I need to do! Including write the post on our floors. Truthfully, I was hoping we would be able to finish them first (since we began the DIY December 2nd), but that obviously isn't going to happen this year. Ha! 

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