Friday, November 30, 2012

30 Days of Thankfulness {Recap}

If we're friends on Facebook, you probably know that I have been doing the 30 Days of Thankfulness challenge.  I really thought it would be difficult, but I have SO MANY THINGS in my life for which to be thankful that it was the easiest thing I've done in a while. As I said earlier in the week, I could probably do the 365 Days of Thankfulness challenge, if there were such a thing.  Instead of putting my status on FB this morning, I thought I would post it on here. Mainly because it is so long that I didn't want to take up the entire news feed! But, I will be able to go back and look at this a lot easier than I will a random status. In five years, if when I am feeling down in the dumps, I can go back to November 30, 2012 (assuming the Mayans are wrong and we're still here then!). Anyway, here's my culmination of the challenge:

I had big plans for today, but I think I'm just going to keep it real. Day 30: I'm so thankful for the past 30 days, and the way that they have challenged me to realize ALL that I have.

My children are healthy and happy. They are creative and filled with awe and wonder.  They see the world in a way that, without them, I would never see myself because I get so caught up in what I think is important.  Since becoming a mother, I have thought about Mary so much.  I can't imagine how her heart must have ached for her son.  I know that many mothers have lost children. I know that there is much hurt.  But, I imagine that Mary's was stronger somehow.  There's great debate as to whether or not she knew during Christ's childhood if He would die. Even if she didn't, I think that her hurt had to be larger because her son was dying for ALL of us. If that makes any sense at all.  I am so grateful that God has given me these two babies to watch over. I once read something about God blessing us by letting us borrow our children.  It stayed with me; they aren't really ours. It is our job to raise them with a heart for Jesus. I know that I fail. Many days, I have a short temper and am too quick to scold. But through the ultimate redeemer, I have a second chance. And a third, and a fourth, and so on. Today is a new day, and for that I am grateful.

My marriage is strong. My husband is hard-working, honest, and kind. He is patient where I am not. He is loving. He is positive and hopeful; a true optimist where I tend to be a pessimist. He keeps me grounded. He comes home and plays with the kids for HOURS. He loves them unconditionally, and he makes sure that they both know it. He cooks more often than I do, and he helps me clean. He loves my parents. He encourages my creativity, and he motivates me to keep going. He teaches our children about Jesus. My life could have gone down so many different paths. I am so grateful for God's timing, and that His plan for my life included Patrick.

My friends are encouraging.  Like most of you, I have friends from all walks of life.  My childhood best friend is someone I don't see often enough. But, we talk regularly and have the ability to pick up as though no time has passed.  I have several close friends from college, and the same goes for them.  Though we don't see each other a lot, when we do get together it's as if we saw each other the previous week. I also have friends who are in the same stage of life as I am.  It is so good to compare war stores with someone who is at the same place. They help me realize I'm not alone, and for that I am grateful. I have friends who are in a different stage of life, with children who are older (some even out of the house). They help remind me of the things that are important; my house will be clean when it is empty. My babies are only babies for such a short time. I don't want to miss any of it. I have friends who don't have kids. They help me feel like someone other than a mommy; I can talk to them about ME. Sometimes, it's nice to be reminded that I was a person before kids.

I could write a book about how amazing my parents are.  They have sacrificed so much for me. They were the kind of parents I want to be. They were very present in my life, and I am so glad. I know that I can turn to them with anything and they will be a sounding board or advice giver, depending on what I need.  As amazing parents as they are, they are even better grandparents.  Not only do they love our kids unconditionally, they follow our rules without question or guilt.  Trust me, not everyone does this and it is so wonderful to know that when JC or Myra are there, they aren't exposed to any shows that aren't age appropriate (CSI for example). JC doesn't eat junk food all day. His safety is always the primary concern. If he does something we don't want him to do, all we have to do is tell them not to do it and they don't. They don't try to guilt us or make us feel bad, and they definitely don't scold him for telling us what he did. They apologize and assure us that it will never happen again. I am so grateful for this. I think it's because my grandparents didn't always play by the rules, so they understand how difficult (and unfair for the kids) it is when they put them in the middle.  That's why if we ever die, we know that both JC and Myra will be in perfect hands because they will be staying with my parents.  (Side note: do you have a will? If not, shame on you! Go get one! Check out Dave Ramsey's ELP's if you need help!)

There are so many other things I have for which to be thankful.  I'm always hungry, but I've never known hunger (Myra Mae is to blame for the constant hunger). I have had the most amazing time off with my two babies. While we could definitely use the extra income, I am glad that it has been part of God's plan for me to be home until now.  We have more clothes than we can ever wear, more food than we'll ever eat, and more love than we can ever give. We have a roof over our heads, and the ability to tweak it and make it our own.

I am so very blessed and grateful for all that He has given me. I have so many undeserved blessings, but the biggest one is my salvation. As we begin to celebrate the Advent, I hope that I can keep Jesus in my heart and mind. I purposefully completed the bulk of my Christmas shopping during October and November so that I could spend the month of December focusing on my family and my faith.  We'll be starting Truth in the Tinsel tomorrow. If you have small kids, I encourage you to participate in it. It does a great job of helping them understand what the season really means.  Elfie will be coming to our house tomorrow, complete with a letter from Santa. The letter will explain why we celebrate Christmas (similar to this one from Leana at A Small Snippet).  We'll be indulging in Crock Pot hot chocolate, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, lights, the Ice exhibit in Nashville, and our local parade.  Patrick is taking off for a week starting tomorrow afternoon, so we will have plenty of time to enjoy the Christmas season.  We'll also be redoing our floors, so stay tuned for a post on that (if I survive!).

I hope that you have a wonderful weekend. I hope that even if you didn't participate in the 30 Day challenge you will spend a few minutes thinking about all of your blessings, and the one who blessed you.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The End of an Era

The Twilight Saga.

I'll admit, I jumped onto that bandwagon a little late. I didn't see the first movie in theaters. I hadn't read the books, and I have a huge problem with watching movies based on books before you read the book. Very rarely does the movie follow the book, so it just ruins the book if you watch the movie first. (I know, you could say the same thing about the book ruining the movie, but come on. The movie was adapted FROM the book, not the other way around!)

Anyway, Twilight accidentally got placed on my Netflix list. It arrived and sat unwatched for several weeks before I even considered watching it. And, when I finally sat down to see it, I was more than disappointed. It felt so forced and cheap. All I could think of was how in the first season in Dawson's Creek, Dawson was forced to sit in film class and listen as Cliff drone on and on and on about his movie like it he was Spielberg, yet his movie was awful. That's how Twilight felt to me. I didn't get it. At all. I ranked it up there with Gone with the Wind. 6 hours of my life that I, regretfully, would never get back.

Then, one day while in Target, I saw the book. I hadn't paid much attention to it before then, because I had a newborn and was a very un-hot mess. But, I would be able to read it while JC was nursing. (Side note: that's something they don't tell you to expect about having a newborn. If you're nursing, you'll spend a lot of time sitting.) So, I brought it home and sat it on the counter where it sat for several days.

Once I finally opened it, I couldn't put it down! It was SO good.  I finally understood what all the fuss was about, and I was completely in love with Edward and Bella's story. I finished it in a day and a half (see? Lots of time to sit around while nursing!). Immediately, I ordered the other 3 books in the saga and paid for overnight shipping.  I had the entire series completed within a week. I watched the movie again, convinced that it would be life changing. After all, how could it not be after reading the book?  It was better, marginally. But, it cemented my belief that the book is always better than the movie. (Seriously. Can you name one example where the movie is better than the book?)

I was invited to see New Moon at midnight, and I excitedly went. I ordered a t-shirt  with a cartoon of Alice saying, "Caio, Vultori!" Seeing it in the theater at midnight was a very interesting experience. Especially given that I wasn't what would be described as a twi-hard. There were middle aged women (some of whom I know) who were going on and on about Jacob and how hot they thought he was. Very inappropriate comments were made. There were little girls, brought with their mommas, undoubtedly skipping school the next day. The most humorous part wasn't any of that, though. It was the way the fans squealed once the screen went black. The screams the first time the cameras cut to Edward were louder than a UK basketball game. The screams the first time the cameras cut to Jacob were louder than a UK vs. Louisville game. Caaarrrrazy. I completely understand the Edward vs. Jacob argument. Book: Edward. Movie: Jacob.

I took my best guy friend, Shannon, to see Eclipse (my favorite book, by far), and Breaking Dawn Part 1. Eclipse was much better than New Moon. Breaking Dawn Part 1 was much better than Eclipse. Then, there was Part 2.

I debated seeing it at midnight. Patrick really wanted me to go. He told me over and over that I needed to go because I wanted to. But, Myra still wasn't (isn't) sleeping through the night, and he had to carry the big route the next day. (Patrick works for the USPS. He's normally a clerk, but he carries on Saturdays and some Fridays.) I didn't think it was fair to leave him at home all night with both kids, let him get up with Myra several times, then have to walk 13 miles while carrying the boxholders (those fliers that everyone gets from places like Rite Aid or Fred's that say "Current Resident") that had to go out. So, yesterday my friend, Elizabeth, and I went to see it during the day. There were only about 10 other people in the entire theater, including an old man who laughed at every part just as I'm sure the teenage girls laughed on opening night.

Anyway, Then, there was Part 2. I have so many thoughts about it! First, it is a GREAT movie. The quality of the movie compared to the first one (really, the first 3) is unbelievable! It's like they had the same budget for the first four movies as they did this one. The only thing I can compare it to is the difference between a made-for-TV-movie and a blockbuster. This was a blockbuster. Second, I loved the other movies because I loved the books. Had I never read the books, I would have never seen any of the movies from New Moon on, because Twilight was that bad.  However, I read the books and fell in love with the characters, so I loved the movies because of that.  This one though, I would love it even if I had not read the books. And finally, third, I think that the girl playing Renesme is so beautiful. She reminds me of the little girl who played Dillon McKay's sister, Erica.
{image from Inside Movies}
Obviously, they're not identical twins, but she reminded me of Noley Thornton. Anyway, I think this little girl is going to have quite a promising future! 

My favorite part of the movie was the unexpected scene (spoiler alert!). If you've seen it, you know what I'm talking about. And, if you haven't, go watch it so you will! I'm not gong to spoil it. 

If you haven't seen this movie, you should really go watch it (as long as you've read the books. If you haven't read them, read them first!). 

Myra is crying and JC is begging, so I'm done for the day. Have a great weekend! 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Products I Love: November {Christmas Edition}

One of the things you can expect to find here at Creekstone Cove is a monthly product review post.  I am a firm believer in customer service and quality products. I will gladly spend more money on something that will last over something that is on sale.  I buy the best that I can afford in things that are going to be staples in my life or things that will make my life easier.  Please note that these products aren't things that are sponsored; they're just things that I love.  Unlike Oprah's Favorite Things, these are ALL products that I own or have used. Not just stuff that I see and like. (Does anyone else have a problem with the fact that most of her "favorite" things aren't even things that she owns or uses?) Each month, I will list a few items that I think would benefit you. You may have already discovered these treasures; if so, please share your thoughts on the product! If you have things that are your favorites that you think I would like, pass them along! I love discovering new ways to simplify and improve my life! I will occasionally include an item that I haven't used, but ONLY if it's on my "Wish List".  More times than not, this will serve as a visual reminder to Patrick. Hopefully he'll take the hint! 

Anyway, here are the favorite things for November! If you're not finished with your Christmas shopping, these would make AMAZING gifts. Each product listing will link to the page.

1. Sterling Dewdrops Necklace from Lisa Leonard Designs

{images: Lisa Leonard}

This is my "daily" necklace. Patrick bought me one for JC's first Christmas with his name one one side and his birthdate on the other. I have probably worn it all but ten days since I got it. Literally. Once Myra was born, I added another (on a shorter chain) with her name and birthdate, and I layer them. I have 9 pieces of jewelry from her collection, and they are all very high quality. I promise that this is worth the investment! My favorite thing to gift for new babies is the sterling spoon or an ornament. They are timeless gifts that will make anyone smile! Through today, you can receive 25% off any order with the code "cybermonday12" at checkout. 

2. The Resolution for Women

{image: Lifeway}  

If you are a mom, or have someone on your Christmas list who is a mom, this is the PERFECT gift! I was introduced to it by a friend from my hometown, and it has changed my life! I am a better wife, mom, and friend because of this book! The first chapter is all about being satisfied with the stage of life you are in right now. We spend so much time waiting for the next thing to happen, that we often miss God's blessings. I know I'm guilty of that! For only $10, this would make the perfect stocking stuffer! 


I have these flats in sapphire (shown), and they are my favorite shoes! I wear them all the time. They're so comfortable! I have a slightly wider foot (not wide enough that I have to have wide width, but some shoes are just too narrow for me), and these fit perfectly. We're HUGE UK fans here, but I'm not a t-shirt kind of girl. I just never feel put together when wearing a t-shirt. So, this is my way to show my love for our national championship team (Go Big Blue!). 

This is our first year doing this advent experience, and I am SO EXCITED!!! I've got my mason jars out and ready to store the daily supplies. It starts next Wednesday, and most of the items needed are things you will have around the house. Unlike most advent calendars, this one actually incorporates a mini Sunday-school type lesson with each day.  The children get a Bible story and then make an ornament that corresponds with the story. I'll be posting progress pictures soon! 

One of the first things I thought of when I found out that we were having a girl was the adorable flower headbands.  I've ordered many different styles from several places.  By far, these are the best quality I've purchased.  Turns out, Myra isn't a fan of headbands, flowers, ruffles, lace, or anything else girly. This makes her daddy's heart happy, but it leaves this mamma annoyed.  Of all of the ones I've purchased, these must be the most comfortable, because they're the only ones I can put on her without causing a level 3 meltdown. That's saying something! We have the Shabby Flower Headband set of 6, and a few of the individual flowers. I plan to buy more, and today looks like it will be the day to do it because the shop is having a sale! 15% off your purchase with code "NOVFIFTEEN". 

These are some of the products I'm loving right now.  What are your favorite things? 


Hello, and welcome! I am so glad that you're here! My name is Janetta. I became a blogger long before it was the in thing to do. I used to be Serious Shopaholic. I'm now a recovering shopaholic. I use the term "recovering" lightly, especially this week (Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday have KILLED me!). Actually, I try to avoid the term like it's the plague. But, for my husband's sake, I will try my best. I began blogging as an assignment for a creative writing class. I have always loved to write, and it came completely naturally to me. I quickly found a niche in the blogging community, and I was blessed with a slew of devoted followers. I wrote about my love for Pottery Barn, Boden, J.Crew, Banana Republic, and Anthropologie. I posted my wish list, gift ideas, and product reviews. Then, my husband and I got the most exciting news ever; we were going to be parents! I didn't notice a change in my blog at first; it wasn't until I had the baby and began looking back at posts that I had written about him that I realized my shopping blog was no longer. I had stopped posting about my beloved stores and started posting about the new love of my life, JC. I didn't mind it at all, but I felt that it wasn't fair to what few readers were still following. So, I made the blog private. I only posted about JC, and I didn't feel guilty at all. However, I missed the blogging community. I missed talking to bloggers from all walks of life. I had made friends I would have never had the opportunity to meet in real life; I'm a small-town Kentucky girl. The chances that I would meet and become friends with someone from California were pretty slim.

I've been struggling for quite some time now, trying to find a new blog name that fit my life. While I'm still a shopaholic (sorry, Patrick!), I'm so many more things. Since my last public post, I graduated college and got my first teaching job. Patrick's dad passed away, and we dispersed his cattle herd. My Pa passed away, and we had Myra Mae. With sorrow comes joy, they say. I have toyed with dozens of ideas for a name for this little blog, but not one of them seemed to fit for the long haul. I didn't want to pick a cutesy name that I would just outgrow (like Serious Shopaholic) in a few months or years. I wanted something that would represent EVERYTHING I plan to include in this blog.

So, with that in mind, I turned to a list. I wrote down every single subject I thought I would cover. Ever. Not just stuff that I knew I would cover (like the kids, our faith, and shopping), but stuff that I wanted to cover. Stuff that I hadn't written about before. Things like DIY, crafts, education, money, cattle. Yes, I said cattle. If you know me in real life, you know that Patrick and I met at a cattle event hosted on the farm his dad ran. I was in the 5th grade, and I told my grandmother I would marry him someday. We became friends through cattle. The majority of the guests at our wedding were cattle people. When we married, we began to dream about buying a farm. His family didn't own the farm they had; his dad was partners with a local doctor who owned the land. He ran it. Once I entered the picture, ten years ago (woah, that's forever ago!), his health had declined to the point that Patrick was managing things on a daily basis. Over the years, Patrick had acquired his own cattle, and we knew that once his father passed away, we would have to make a tough decision about our future in the registered cattle industry. Thankfully, my parents were gracious enough to take our twenty cattle to their farm. We began talking about our lives and how things worked out (thanks to the cattle) for us to meet, become friends, begin dating, and eventually get married and have two gorgeous babies. We knew that it was all because of our cattle backgrounds. We wanted to honor that heritage when we began our own farm. Thus, Creekstone Cove was born.

My childhood farm was called Snake Creek Farm. Patrick grew up on Touchstone. We merged the two and came up with Creekstone. Creekstone Cove has been an aspiration for us for the past 3 years. So, it was a lightbulb moment during the middle of the night a few months ago that I call this blog Creekstone Cove. After all, it was a goal for us. It was a plan for our futures. It is something we pray fervently about and long to call our own. On some scale, it is present in every single decision that we make. Once I had the idea, it made perfect sense. So, here you will find lots of random musings. You will see pictures of two adorable babies and read stories about their latest adventures. There will be plenty of DIY projects, as we continuously update our starter home in hopes of resale (kitchen, bathroom, flooring, laundry room, painting, decorating, landscaping, etc.). I will post about shopping, TV, and food. I will post about my love for Jesus. And, occasionally, I will post about Herefords.

I hope you stick around! I would love to become friends!