I had big plans for today, but I think I'm just going to keep it real. Day 30: I'm so thankful for the past 30 days, and the way that they have challenged me to realize ALL that I have.
My children are healthy and happy. They are creative and filled with awe and wonder. They see the world in a way that, without them, I would never see myself because I get so caught up in what I think is important. Since becoming a mother, I have thought about Mary so much. I can't imagine how her heart must have ached for her son. I know that many mothers have lost children. I know that there is much hurt. But, I imagine that Mary's was stronger somehow. There's great debate as to whether or not she knew during Christ's childhood if He would die. Even if she didn't, I think that her hurt had to be larger because her son was dying for ALL of us. If that makes any sense at all. I am so grateful that God has given me these two babies to watch over. I once read something about God blessing us by letting us borrow our children. It stayed with me; they aren't really ours. It is our job to raise them with a heart for Jesus. I know that I fail. Many days, I have a short temper and am too quick to scold. But through the ultimate redeemer, I have a second chance. And a third, and a fourth, and so on. Today is a new day, and for that I am grateful.
My marriage is strong. My husband is hard-working, honest, and kind. He is patient where I am not. He is loving. He is positive and hopeful; a true optimist where I tend to be a pessimist. He keeps me grounded. He comes home and plays with the kids for HOURS. He loves them unconditionally, and he makes sure that they both know it. He cooks more often than I do, and he helps me clean. He loves my parents. He encourages my creativity, and he motivates me to keep going. He teaches our children about Jesus. My life could have gone down so many different paths. I am so grateful for God's timing, and that His plan for my life included Patrick.
My friends are encouraging. Like most of you, I have friends from all walks of life. My childhood best friend is someone I don't see often enough. But, we talk regularly and have the ability to pick up as though no time has passed. I have several close friends from college, and the same goes for them. Though we don't see each other a lot, when we do get together it's as if we saw each other the previous week. I also have friends who are in the same stage of life as I am. It is so good to compare war stores with someone who is at the same place. They help me realize I'm not alone, and for that I am grateful. I have friends who are in a different stage of life, with children who are older (some even out of the house). They help remind me of the things that are important; my house will be clean when it is empty. My babies are only babies for such a short time. I don't want to miss any of it. I have friends who don't have kids. They help me feel like someone other than a mommy; I can talk to them about ME. Sometimes, it's nice to be reminded that I was a person before kids.
I could write a book about how amazing my parents are. They have sacrificed so much for me. They were the kind of parents I want to be. They were very present in my life, and I am so glad. I know that I can turn to them with anything and they will be a sounding board or advice giver, depending on what I need. As amazing parents as they are, they are even better grandparents. Not only do they love our kids unconditionally, they follow our rules without question or guilt. Trust me, not everyone does this and it is so wonderful to know that when JC or Myra are there, they aren't exposed to any shows that aren't age appropriate (CSI for example). JC doesn't eat junk food all day. His safety is always the primary concern. If he does something we don't want him to do, all we have to do is tell them not to do it and they don't. They don't try to guilt us or make us feel bad, and they definitely don't scold him for telling us what he did. They apologize and assure us that it will never happen again. I am so grateful for this. I think it's because my grandparents didn't always play by the rules, so they understand how difficult (and unfair for the kids) it is when they put them in the middle. That's why if we ever die, we know that both JC and Myra will be in perfect hands because they will be staying with my parents. (Side note: do you have a will? If not, shame on you! Go get one! Check out Dave Ramsey's ELP's if you need help!)
There are so many other things I have for which to be thankful. I'm always hungry, but I've never known hunger (Myra Mae is to blame for the constant hunger). I have had the most amazing time off with my two babies. While we could definitely use the extra income, I am glad that it has been part of God's plan for me to be home until now. We have more clothes than we can ever wear, more food than we'll ever eat, and more love than we can ever give. We have a roof over our heads, and the ability to tweak it and make it our own.
I am so very blessed and grateful for all that He has given me. I have so many undeserved blessings, but the biggest one is my salvation. As we begin to celebrate the Advent, I hope that I can keep Jesus in my heart and mind. I purposefully completed the bulk of my Christmas shopping during October and November so that I could spend the month of December focusing on my family and my faith. We'll be starting Truth in the Tinsel tomorrow. If you have small kids, I encourage you to participate in it. It does a great job of helping them understand what the season really means. Elfie will be coming to our house tomorrow, complete with a letter from Santa. The letter will explain why we celebrate Christmas (similar to this one from Leana at A Small Snippet). We'll be indulging in Crock Pot hot chocolate, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, lights, the Ice exhibit in Nashville, and our local parade. Patrick is taking off for a week starting tomorrow afternoon, so we will have plenty of time to enjoy the Christmas season. We'll also be redoing our floors, so stay tuned for a post on that (if I survive!).
I hope that you have a wonderful weekend. I hope that even if you didn't participate in the 30 Day challenge you will spend a few minutes thinking about all of your blessings, and the one who blessed you.